Email SMS Code

Add email code verification flow to your Feathery form.

Enable Email One-Time Passcodes Integration

First, navigate to the Integrations tab of your form, then click on Email One-Time Passcodes. In the pop-up settings sidebar, make the desired configurations, then click Connect to enable the integration. Note that Sender Email is optional and is defaulted to

Implementing Email Code Verification Flow

  1. Add an email field and a button to the desired step. Configure the button action to Send Email Verification Code, and set the target email address to the email field to be verified. When the user clicks this button, an email verification code will be sent to the email address in that target field. In the following example, the target field is email_address and the verification flow is triggered by the Sign Up button.

  1. In order to verify the email verification code that was sent, a pin input field and another button is needed. Add these elements in the desired step, and make sure that the length of the pin input field is the same as the Length of OTP Code in the integration settings sidebar. Next, set the action of the button to Verify Email OTP, and set the target field to the pin input field that was created. In the example below, the code entered in enter_pin_code will be verified when the Verify button is clicked.

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