Managing Your Team

Invite and remove members of your team from your account settings.

Adding Users

To add a new member to your team, go to the Team tab in your Account Settings page. From there, click the Invite Team button, which will open a modal allowing you to enter the email addresses of team members to invite.

While inviting teammates, you'll also be able to configure their roles & permissions before sending out the invites.

Once you've invited them, they'll receive an invite email to join your team directly in their inbox.

If the user you're looking to invite already has an account, they'll receive a notification to join your team once they've logged in. They have the option of accepting or declining the invite request.

Bulk Invite Flow

For inviting multiple teammates at once, you will be able to use CSV upload:

  1. In the Invite Team modal, click the Bulk CSV Invite button.

  2. Upload a CSV file structured as described below.

  3. The system will validate the CSV and display any errors.

  4. If the CSV is valid, you can proceed to send the invites.

CSV Structure for Bulk Invites

Your CSV file should include the following columns:

  • Required:

    • Email: The email address of the user to invite

    • Role: The role to assign (Admin, Editor, or Viewer)

  • Optional:

    • First Name: The user's first name

    • Last Name: The user's last name

    • User Groups: Comma-separated list of user group names

    • Custom Attributes: Any custom attributes defined in your organization

An example CSV where GroupA, Group B and Group C are predefined User Groups and Location is a predefined Custom Attribute. (Unknown User Groups or Custom Attributes will be skipped)

Removing Users

From the same page, you can also remove members from your team. Click the trash can icon next to their name to remove them.

Last updated