Build Forms

A detailed guide for navigating the Feathery dashboard while building a form.


The Design tab is where you can:

  • Create responsive page layouts

  • Add and style your elements

  • Apply custom settings to your fields

  • Create new steps

  • Preview & publish your form

Easily Undo and Redo changes with the buttons in the top right corner next to Publish

How do form layouts work?

You can drag elements into a form container for simple forms and edit the container Styles to add standardized gaps, alignment, margin, & padding.

Containers can also be nested in other containers to create hierarchical structures for more complex layouts.

Cells are added by pressing the + on existing cell borders or by right clicking a cell and hitting split on the overflow menu.


In the Flow tab, you can:

  • Add and edit step connections

  • Customize your form navigation rules

  • Create advanced navigation logic

  • Create new steps, preview, and publish your form

Create a new connection by dragging from the + on the step. This will create an arrow to the step you need to connect.


The Results tab is where you can:

  • View and manage all form submissions

  • Review individual user submissions

  • Download submissions as a CSV file

  • Locate user IDs


The Settings tab is where you can:

  • Edit the form name

  • Switch your form theme

  • Edit the URL the form redirects to upon completion

  • Find the form ID, used to embed your form

  • Configure how form validation errors are displayed to the user

    • Built In: browser-native, non-stylable error messages that float on the form

    • Inline: Feathery-styled error messages that appear within the form flow

  • Toggle general user tracking

    • If on, users will automatically be tracked from one session to another, including across different forms. All of their submitted data will appear as one submission. If off, each session will count as a separate submission.

    • If user tracking is on, you can optionally configure location tracking

      • If on, users will automatically start from the step they left off when they leave the form and come back.

    • If user tracking is on, you can optionally configure data tracking

      • If on, users will automatically see their previously filled-in form data when they leave the form and come back.

    • Note that the user tracking config applies across all forms but location and data tracking can be configured per-form.

  • Change the theme associated with the form

Last updated