Available Conditions
Feathery supports building conditional logic for navigating between steps, hiding / showing elements, and custom field validation rules..
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Feathery supports building conditional logic for navigating between steps, hiding / showing elements, and custom field validation rules..
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Conditional logic allows you as the designer to determine when a navigation, validation or hide rule will run. The conditional logic is evaluated by the Feathery form at the appropriate time and if it evaluates true, the navigation happens or the validation sets the field/button invalid or the field/element/container is hidden.
Conditional logic (sometimes called rules) is built of logic expressions. Each logic expression has a left side which is a field on the form and a comparison operator. Depending on the comparison operator chosen, the logic expression may have a right side that can be either form field(s) or directly entered value(s). The right side can also be made up of multiple fields/values that are OR'd together. For example in the image below, the first logical expression reads as: if bus_company's selections include Greyhound or Megabus then the condition is true.
Multiple logic expressions may be AND'd as shown in the screenshot below to form the condition/rule.
The table below describes the supported logic comparison operators and where the apply.
Evaluates true if the left side is equal to the right side of the comparison expression.
Evaluates true if the left side is NOT equal to the right side of the comparison expression.
is greater than, is greater than or equal, is less than, is less than or equal
Evaluates true if the left side is >, >=, < or <= to the right side of the comparison expression.
This is primarily used for numeric data and fields, but will work for text as well.
is filled
Evaluates true if the field on the left side of the comparison expression has data entered in it.
is empty
Evaluates true if the field on the left side of the comparison expression has NO data entered in it.
is true
Evaluates true if the field on the left side of the comparison is checked/selected.
Applies only to single checkbox fields
is false
Evaluates true if the field on the left side of the comparison is NOT checked/selected.
Applies only to single checkbox fields
contains, contains (ignore case)
Evaluates true if the text in the field on the left side of the comparison contains the text or the text in the field on the right side of the comparison.
Can be used with text type fields such as text field, text area, email, phone number and address fields as well as drop downs, selects and button groups.
doesn't contain, doesn't contain (ignore case)
Evaluates true if the text in the field on the left side of the comparison does not contain the text or the text in the field on the right side of the comparison.
Can be used with text type fields such as text field, text area, email, phone number and address fields as well as drop downs, selects and button groups.
starts with
Evaluates true if the text in the field on the left side of the comparison begins with the text or the text in the field on the right side of the comparison.
Can be used with text type fields such as text field, text area, email, phone number and address fields as well as drop downs, selects and button groups.
doesn't start with
Evaluates true if the text in the field on the left side of the comparison does not begin with the text or the text in the field on the right side of the comparison.
Can be used with text type fields such as text field, text area, email, phone number and address fields as well as drop downs, selects and button groups.
ends with
Evaluates true if the text in the field on the left side of the comparison ends with the text or the text in the field on the right side of the comparison.
Can be used with text type fields such as text field, text area, email, phone number and address fields as well as drop downs, selects and button groups.
doesn't end with
Evaluates true if the text in the field on the left side of the comparison does not end with the text or the text in the field on the right side of the comparison.
Can be used with text type fields such as text field, text area, email, phone number and address fields as well as drop downs, selects and button groups.
is numerical
Evaluates true if the text in the field on the left side of the comparison is a number.
is text
Evaluates true if the text in the field on the left side of the comparison is not a number.
selections include
For multi-select type fields, this operator evaluates true if any of the selections in the field on the left side of the comparison are equal to the text or the text in the field on the right side of the comparison.
Applies only to multi-select checkbox fields and button groups.
selections don't include
For multi-select type fields, this operator evaluates true if NONE of the selections in the field on the left side of the comparison are equal to the text or the text in the field on the right side of the comparison.
Applies only to multi-select checkbox fields and button groups.