Phone Number Verification

Add a phone number SMS code authentication , Telesign silent verification, Telesign voice code or Telesign SMS code authentication flow to your Feathery form.

Enable Phone Auth Integrations

The first step is to ensure you have the right integrations enabled for your form. In the integrations tab of your form, make sure you have one of the following enabled: SMS One-Time Passcodes (Feathery's native SMS OTP), Firebase, Stytch, or Telesign.

Phone Number SMS Code Authentication

  1. Create a Sign In step, then add both a phone field and a button to the step. Give the phone field an ID such as login-phone. Change the button text to Sign In and configure the action to Send SMS Verification Code with the target login-phone. In this case, the target is the field containing the phone number that the verification code will be sent to.

  1. Next, create a Confirmation step. Add an additional Go To Step action to the Sign In button you just created, and have it navigate to the Confirmation step.

    1. Add a pin input field to the Confirmation step, and then add a button with its action set to Verify SMS Code. Set the target of the Verify action to the pin input field you just created. This step will allow the user to input the verification code they just received from their phone number, and verification will fail if the code is incorrect.

    2. Add a Go To Step action to the button with the Verify action, and have it navigate to the step you want the user to see post-login.

    3. (Optional) On this step, you can give the user the ability to re-send the SMS verification code if they haven't see it yet.

Phone Number Silent Verification Powered by Telesign

  1. Use Telesign Silent Verify to verify an end user via mobile device data associated with their device, without any additional action by the end user. Make sure Telesign integration is connected before using silent verification.

  2. Create a form with a phone field and a button to the step input-phone. Give the phone field an ID such as PhoneNumber1.

    • Create the first action on the button and configure it to Trigger Telesign Silent Verification with the target PhoneNumber1 for Phone Number. In this case, the target is the field containing the phone number that the silent verification will conduct on.

    • Then configure Verification Status with the target test-telesign-silent, or any hidden field you would like to store the result of silent verification. The value of this field will be either True or False (Boolean).

    • Create the second action Go To Step, and configure the Next Step to be the intended step you want to take the user to when silent verification is successful. Here we will redirect user to a step called success.

  3. Go to the Flow tab, edit the connection between input-phone and add a condition where the field is the hidden field you set the silent verification status to store at (in this case, test-telesign-silent), and select is true in the dropdown to indicate when the value of this field is a boolean value of true.

  1. Similarly you can create another connection for when silent verification fails (test-telesign-silent is false) per below example.

Phone Number Voice and SMS OTP Powered by Telesign

  1. Following the example above, create another step called OTP-option. Add two buttons to allow users to choose a method of sending an OTP code to the phone number inputted in PhoneNumber1. For OTP via SMS without Telesign, please refer to the Phone Number SMS Code Authentication section above. You can also refer to below for a sample setup for this particular work flow.

  1. For OTP via Voice powered by Telesign create the first action on the button Voice and configure it to Send Telesign Voice OTP. For OTP via SMS powered by Telesign create the first action on the button SMS and configure it to Send Telesign SMS OTP.

    • In either case, the target should be PhoneNumber1 (or any phone filed name you have given) for Phone Number. In this case, the target is the field containing the phone number that Telesign will contact in order to send the OTP code.

  2. Create the second action on your chosen button as Go To Step, and configure the Next Step to be a step where users can input the OTP code.

  1. Create a step to allow users to input the OTP pin. Configure the length of the pin input field to be 7 for Telesign Voice OTP and name it VoicePinInput. Add a Submit button and set the action to Verify Telesign OTP with the Pin Code field set to VoicePinInput. You can also add a second action to redirect users to the success step if the pin is correct.

Request Phone Type via Telesign

Instead of prompting users to select an OTP method, Feathery also supports phone type identification through Telesign. Once users input their phone number, Feathery provides an action to identify whether this number is a mobile number or landline number, and based on the result, you can redirect users to the respective OTP method accordingly:

  • Create another action on the button and configure it to Request Telesign Phone Type with the target PhoneNumber1 for Phone Number.

  • Then configure Phone Type with the target telesign-type, or any hidden field you would like to store the type of the phone number user provided. The value of this field will be either "Mobile", "Landline" or "Other".

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